the chamber Activities:

Annual Chamber Banquet

Have a special Speaker and a great meal

100 Mile Yard Sale

Helps promote and make a list for locals

High School Senior Scholarship

Provides a $1500 scholarship

Old Tymers Day

Help set up vendors and set timeline for the event

Freedom Celebration

Contribute to the firework show and help promote with the event

Back to School Bash

Contribute supplies

9/11 First Responders Day

To recogize First Responders as well as EMS systems and other emergency systems

Fall Decoration

Create and sell decorations for the fall season

Light the Christmas Tree in the Park

Lighting of the tree and having hot chocolate and some singing

Christmas in the Gym

Giving bags of candy and a gift to the kid and getting their picture taken

with Santa & Mrs. Claus. Also giving out several hundred dollar of door prizes

as well as having some activities to participate in.